MCM Climate Action Working Group

Fossil Fuel Non-proliferation Motion

The MCM Board has received the following notice of motion from the MCM Climate Action Working Group (CAWG), inviting delegates at MCM Gathering 2024 to endorse a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty as part of a just transition for all people toward a sustainable future. The Board encourages MCM congregations to engage with the CAWG around this topic, so that we can come to Gathering 2024 informed and ready to make a decision.

Read the motion here

Listen to the CAWG members share why this is important.

Update on the Non-proliferation resolution at Sept 2024.


Read the update letter here.

Our Mandate

To ignite the imagination of MCM congregations in generating personally and societally transformative actions in response to the climate crisis. The CAWG will serve as a network and resource for congregational engagement in public policy and capacity building work toward a Just Transition here in Manitoba.

Who is the current MCM Climate Action Working Group?

Back row: Josiah Neufeld, Chris Regehr, Doug Dyck, Marilyn Houser Hamm, Sandy Plett
Front row: Nathaniel De Avila, Kenton Lobe, Marta Bunnet Wiebe, Connie Hoeppner Mueller

Consider donating today!

The CAWG is empowered by MCM to raise funds to support climate action work with MCM congregations.  Please note CAWG in the notes.


What is the CAWG offering to MCM congregations?

Engagement With MCM Congregations

  • Visitation and conversation: Invite a member of the CAWG to share about what the CAWG is about
  • Workshops to build climate awareness and encourage action in the church
  • Encouraging transformative action in response to the climate crisis by curating resources and offering visits
  • Marta Bunnett Wiebe and Sandy Plett talked with Kyle Rudge for the MCC Threads podcast summer 2022.

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Connecting MCM Churches For Inspiration & Collaborative Climate Action

  • Sharing stories 
  • Hope and Courage: Mennonites Gathering for Climate Action. See Events.

Read Stories

Pathways To Engagement 

Through broader advocacy work through endorsements and letters of support


What are some MCM church families doing about Climate Change?

Every time we visit a MCM church someone asks what others are doing around climate. We see a great opportunity here to share stories of actions of all sizes, as a way of building our collective imagination of what’s possible, and challenging ourselves to lean into the work together. Please contact us to add your story!

Grace Steinbach tree planting blitz 

Check out what this Grace Mennonite Church in Steinbach got up to in 2021.

Springstein Mennonite Church Carbon Sequestering & Community Building 

Springstein Mennonite Church has been getting active about climate change. We participated in two learning and discussion groups hosted by Sandy Plett and through this we have started some actions.

FGMF Creation Care Task Force

In January of 2022 the people of Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship decided it was time to increase the amount of time and energy spent on creation care. 

Seeds of Life Community Church in Altona

They have ventured into a few different areas of climate and creation care work.

Hope Mennonite Justice Team Action

A few years ago Hope Mennonite Church formed a Justice Team to guide the church in responding to climate change and working towards justice between Indigenous and settler peoples.

Pembina Fellowship 

Rain Barrel Fundraiser

What can I read to learn more and get inspired?

Here are some suggestions from CAWG members

Sandy's Picks

Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katherine Hayhoe

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katherine K. Wilkinson

The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams

Current Climate Action Resource Feed via Commonword

Where Can I Go To Learn More And Get Involved?

Get Involved

We'd love to connect with you!

We can help you think things through and see how the CAWG can support your ideas and initiatives as a church or as an individual. 

We do a bi-monthly email newsletter. Contact us here and we would be happy to sign you up.


Check us out @mcm_cawg