Local Groups Work with MCIS Toward Reconciliation
Ecumenical working groups focused on engaging the call to reconciliation with Indigenous neighbours are active across southern Manitoba
MCM, a community of congregations seeking to walk in the way of Jesus...
Mennonite Church Canada is a covenanted partnership among:
MC Eastern Canada MC Manitoba MC Saskatchewan MC Alberta MC British Columbia
The overall mission of the partnership is the vision healing and hope statement:
God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and,
by the power of the Holy Spirit to grow
as communities of grace, joy and peace
so that God's healing and hope
flow through us to the world.
Annual Winter Youth Retreat for Gr. 7-12 at Camp Assiniboia.
Steinbach Mennonite Church with John D. Roth. Pastors, church and church org/school people will find this day enriching.
Annual Gathering for delegates and friends.
February 28-March 1, 2025
Grace Mennonite Church, Steinbach.
Questions or comments? Contact us by filling out the form below and one of our staff will contact you as soon as possible.