Voices Together in Worship - Accommodations

We have made arrangements for Friday and Saturday night and related meals in the Canadian Mennonite University Poettcker Hall Dormitory.

Of course, there are numerous hotels in the region if you prefer something newer than 1950's style.

Rooms are Single or Double occupancy with shared, gendered bathrooms at the end of the halls.

Meals are available from Friday Supper to Sunday Morning Breakfast.

Registration and payment for accommodations is below.

Costs - all prices include taxes.

Single Occupancy - $44.72 per night
Double Occupancy - $33.78 per person per night

Supper - $20.16 each
Breakfast - $11.20 each

Saturday Lunch is included in the event registration.

Accommodations Selections

Single Occupancy - $44.72 per night - # of nights (1 or 2)

Double Occupancy - $33.78 per person per night - # of nights (1 or 2)


Food Selections

Supper - $20.16 each
Breakfast - $11.20 each