October 14thKnit Together in Christ - IW Celebration and Fundraiser

International Witness Saturday Celebration and Fundraiser

October 14, 5-7pm, Charleswood Mennonite Church, Winnipeg

Join the Vietnamese Mennonite Church in hosting the Joint Council for an International Witness celebration and fundraiser at Charleswood Mennonite with food, fellowship, music and stories! Food from the Congo and a special project of the North Kildonan Church will also be a highlight!

Food will be available for certain dietary sensitivites/concerns. It will be labelled appropriately.


To attend - $15/person

Click below to register and pay. You will be able to pay for multiple guests.



Gathering: Congregational Singing – Bob and Verna Wiebe
· Welcome/Intro with Scripture reading – Eph 4:16, thank-yous – Melanie – making the global - local
· Vietnamese video - Testimonial Vietnamese Mennonite Church (Winnipeg) - YouTube
· Prayers: Van Hoa Chau, with translation
Eating Together: IW Quiz
· Music: Linda and Jeff
· Video: Jeanette Hanson highlights projects
· Stories of the Philippines: Doug Klassen
· Video: Congo
· Fundraising ask
Closing Prayer


We could still use some help.

Can you help with set-up, clean-up and potluck items? Please sign up here.

For more information contact Melanie Neufeld, Mennonite Church Manitoba, mneufeld@mennochurch.mb.ca or 204-896-1616.