September 15thPastor and Spiritual Leader's Retreat 2023

Sept 15 - Pastor's Retreat - Brought to you by the letter "F" 


9:30am      Finding your way there: Gathering time (Naomi will be available to collect registration fees) 

9:45am      Faculty (MCM Director) Update

10:00am    Worship Service

11:00am    Faculty (MCM Director) Update

11:10am    Free Time:  

12:00pm    Food (Lunch)

1:00pm      Faculty (MCM Director) Update

1:10pm      Facilitated Discussions 1 - 3:30 

  1. Funerals - facilitated by a Funeral Director
  2. Finances - MOU, and Salary Guidelines Discussion
  3. 'Fabbeth' -- (Fasting and Sabbath) discussion 

3:30 -4:30 pm Faspa - 3:30 - 4:30 
Feast at the Table of our Lord -- Communion 

Cost:  $30