Engagement With MCM Congregations
CAWG offers many ways your congregation can engage with our team.
- Marta Bunnett Wiebe and Sandy Plett talked with Kyle Rudge for the MCC Threads podcast summer 2022. https://mcccanada.ca/stories/threads-july-2022-climate-conversations
- Visitation and conversation: Invite a member of the CAWG to share what the CAWG is about
- Workshops to build climate awareness and encourage action in the church, such as:
- Faithful Climate Conversations - Guided conversations designed to help small groups build skills and vocabulary in talking about climate. These conversations can be modified for beginners to the climate conversation and also for those who are already invested in climate action. Please contact the CAWG to discern what type of conversation would be most appropriate for your group/s.
- Action Discernment Process -- A guided process to help groups identify their strengths and discern actions, as well as to practice a cycle of action planning, implementation, evaluation and continuing on to further action.
- Practical support in starting and sustaining a Climate Group in your church or organization
- Other Current CAWG Workshops and Topics include:
- Basic Climate Science Overview
- Money/Divestment and Climate
- Just Transition – What is it and how can we get involved?
- Non-Violent Direct Action
- Adding an Eco lens to your small business plan
- Gardening Mentorship
- How to start a community organization
- Discussion Groups for Farmers
- Encouraging transformative action in response to the climate crisis by curating resources and offering visits around:
- Creation Care education
- Liturgy and worship resources
- Simple living resources and community