June 10thMCM Announces Michael Pahl as new Executive Minister
Winnipeg, MB. June 10, 2020 – The Board of Directors of Mennonite Church Manitoba (MCM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Pahl as the next Executive Minister (EM). Michael will begin his new role January 1, 2021.
“I’m excited to see what God is doing in the churches,“ enthuses Michael. “MCM is a diverse body. It feels like now is the right time to learn what unifies us, and to articulate that. We have been through some challenging times as MCM congregations, and we are facing new challenges with COVID-19. Yet many gifts have risen to the surface among us to meet those challenges - creativity in mission and theology, greater attentiveness to the needs of the vulnerable - and those gifts will serve us well going forward as congregations and as MCM.”
“Michael brings a particular gift of breadth to the position,” says MCM Board Chair, Gerald Gerbrandt. “Extensive pastoral ministry experience, balanced with academic credentials, much of it outside MCM settings, brings a unique, ecumenical perspective to leadership in MCM. The Search Committee and Board was also moved by Michael’s commitment to visiting congregations and listening well.”
Michael comes to the EM position having served as Lead Pastor at Morden Mennonite Church (Morden, MB) since 2013. Prior to Morden, Michael’s professional journey moved between academia and congregational ministry. With a PhD in Theology (Biblical Studies) from Birmingham University (Birmingham, UK), various teaching posts and service in diverse congregations, Michael brings a wealth of thoughtfulness, experience and lived Anabaptist conviction to his new position.
John P. Klassen (Emmanuel Mennonite, Winkler) chaired an energetic Search Committee that worked very hard at listening to MCM delegates, constituency, and staff on how to prioritize the gifts needed for the EM position in this time.
Michael is married to Larissa (with whom he has co-pastored) and they have 4 children.
Ken Warkentin, outgoing EM, completes his role at the end of June 2020. Rick Neufeld, MCM’s Director of Leadership Ministries, will be Interim Executive Minister until Michael begins. Rick will be supported in the administrative elements of the role by Peter Rempel (Charleswood Mennonite) in the interim.
The Board invites your prayer for MCM, Morden Mennonite, Michael and his family as we move towards this transition.
Mennonite Church Manitoba is a covenant community of 39 congregations and is a member of Mennonite Church Canada.
For more information contact:
Gerald Gerbrandt, MCM Board Chair
Darryl Neustaedter Barg
Director of Communications, Mennonite Church Manitoba
204-896-1616 or dnbarg@mennochurch.mb.ca