Danika Warkentin to represent MCM at Global Youth Summit

Danika Warkentin to represent MCM at Global Youth Summit

Danika Warkentin has been selected to represent Mennonite Church Manitoba as part of the MC Canada team attending next year’s Mennonite World Conference Global Youth Summit in Germany. One representative from each regional church will attend the special GYS, scheduled to coincide with celebrations of the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism in Zurich, Switzerland.
“I am proud, honoured, and unbelievably excited to be representing MCM at the Global Youth Summit,” says Danika. “To be able to participate in meaningful conversations with other young adults who are passionate about the future of the church is what intrigues me most about this opportunity.”
Danika and her family lived in Burkina Faso for six years when she was a child, where her parents were MC Canada International Witness workers. From there they moved to Pincher Creek, Alberta, participating in Springridge Mennonite Church. After high school, Danika moved to Winnipeg to attend Canadian Mennonite University, where she is in her final year of a degree in peace and conflict transformation. She is a member of Home Street Mennonite Church.
MCM Executive Minister Michael Pahl notes that Danika’s unique experience makes her a valuable member of the GYS 2025 team. “Danika knows MC Canada across our regional churches and beyond, and even as a student at CMU she has been actively involved in church life both within her congregation and in the regional church,” he says. “She is committed to the Mennonite church, both as it is now and as it can become.”
Reflecting on this, Danika says, “I hope that we do not get so anxious about what the future existence of the church will be, and can remain focused on the people who make the church what it is. If the church can bend with the youth, I think that church will be a place where all feel welcomed, valued, and inspired to participate.”
Danika’s long-term goals after graduation include taking some time to work in restorative justice, mediation, and housing, and then pursuing a master’s degree in social work. In the meantime, she is looking forward to GYS 2025.
“I can’t wait to meet new people, explore the local culture of Germany, and see what kind of questions and curiosities are arising on a global scale.”
Please pray for Danika and the rest of the GYS 2025 team from MC Canada as they prepare for this trip of a lifetime. If you’d like to support Danika’s GYS 2025 trip financially, please send your gift to MCM, designated “GYS 2025.” See www.mennochurch.mb.ca/giving for giving options.