MCM Launches Visioning Process

MCM Launches Visioning Process

Mennonite Church Manitoba is launching a two-year process to develop a fresh vision for MCM. The goal of this process, called “Hope and Courage,” is to draw congregations together with a renewed enthusiasm for a shared identity and mission.

“This is a chance for us as congregations to take stock of how we’re doing, who we are, and where we’re going, both as congregations and together as a regional church,” says MCM Moderator Cheryl Braun, who also serves as pastor of Glenlea Mennonite Church.

The visioning process will involve a web survey available to all, focus groups reflecting the diversity of MCM, and the 2025 MCM Gathering focused on core aspects of MCM’s identity as a Mennonite church. One outcome of this process could be the development of a new vision statement for MCM. Regardless, the conclusions of this visioning process will form the basis of a series of 3-year strategic plans for the next 10-15 years.

“Hope and courage are just what we need right now,” says Cheryl, noting the challenging dynamics for congregations and denominations in the present moment. “Trusting in God for the future of the church, and stepping out in a faith that risks, to walk into that good future.”

Michael Pahl, MCM’s Executive Minister, says there are potential spinoff benefits for congregations. “We’re anticipating that this visioning process will prompt congregations who haven’t thought about questions like ‘Who are we as a church?’ and ‘What is God calling us to now?’ to work through those questions for themselves, using Hope and Courage as a model.”

Members of MCM congregations are invited to participate in Hope and Courage by volunteering to be in a focus group and completing the online survey when it is publicly available. For more information on Hope and Courage, and to request the opportunity to participate in a focus group, see

Mennonite Church Manitoba is a community of 40 congregations in the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition gathering across Manitoba in the territories of Treaties 1, 2, 4, and 5.

Media contact: Darryl Neustaedter Barg,