January 18thTen Years of Faithful Ministry in South Korea
This year International Witness workers Bock Ki Kim and Sook Kyoung Park celebrated ten years of ministry in South Korea (link to video). It has been a fruitful decade of church planting, networking, peace training, and children’s ministry.
“Church planting is in my heart,” Bock Ki says. In 2017 he planted Grace and Peace Mennonite Church in Seoul, and since that church moved out of the province he has begun planting another church, meeting in a vegan café. There are now about 15 people who gather regularly to pray and sing and study the Bible together.
These churches are part of Mennonite South Korea, along with two other congregations. These and other Anabaptist or Mennonite churches are part of the Korean Anabaptist Network, which Bock Ki serves, providing Anabaptist resources for congregations and pastors.
Peace training has been close to their heart as well. Bock Ki has translated dozens of Anabaptist books into Korean, and the Peace Journal he started will have published fourteen issues when it completes its run. In 2019 he founded the Chuncheon Community Peace Center to train people in restorative justice, healthy boundary building, and conflict transformation.
Sook Kyoung’s children’s ministry has been an important part of their work together. She teaches English and life skills at her “English Nest,” an after-school program Sook Kyoung has built restorative justice and conflict resolution principles into her teaching.
We give thanks to God for the faithful ministry of Bock Ki Kim and Sook Kyoung Park in South Korea these past ten years! See here for a ten-year celebration video. Pray for them as they continue this ministry of church planting, networking, peace training, and children’s ministry. To learn more about their ministry, and how to support them individually or as a congregation, see here.