Lay Leaders Find Challenges and Rewards Serving the Church

Lay Leaders Find Challenges and Rewards Serving the Church

Recently MCM’s Executive Minister, Michael Pahl, asked three congregational chairs about their leadership roles. Their responses give a unique window on church life and highlight the importance of people responding to the Spirit’s nudge to serve the church.

Chris Friesen is the Moderator of Jubilee Mennonite Church, a role he has filled for almost four years. “Sometimes being in leadership can feel lonely or isolating because many people in the congregation may not understand the pressures and responsibility of leadership,” he says. However, “working with, and having the support of, the congregation through difficult conversations in a loving and constructive way has been immensely rewarding.”

Brenda Penner is the Council Chair at Grace Mennonite Church in Steinbach. She has been serving in this role for almost two years and expects to serve for another two-year term. For her the biggest challenge has been “just staying on top of all that is going on: the decisions that need to be made, the discerning that is part of the decision-making, trying to listen and really hear what is being said.”

She goes on to say, “I do not know that I am particularly gifted to do this or any other job in the church. Rather, I believe God honours my willingness and I have the privilege of letting God use me and being able to see what God is doing from the front lines.”

Kelly Ens, Council Chair since January at Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Winkler, agrees. “There are times when I doubt that I have enough skill, knowledge, or wisdom for the role. We must remember that God has things in his hands. We are not alone.”

Reflecting on what she finds rewarding in her ministry, Kelly says, “I can definitely see that God is alive. God is working in people’s lives and changing them. God is putting the right people in the right place at the right time. These same people give tremendous amounts of time to the Church, often without acknowledgement or praise.”

When asked what he might say to someone who is considering stepping into a lay leadership role in the church, Chris notes that “Volunteer positions are great for testing gifts and abilities. My congregation has been incredibly supportive and encouraging, even when I've missed the mark.”

Christ promises to gift the church with people to serve in leadership roles (Eph 4:11-13)—for which we are all grateful! Be sure to encourage those who serve in your congregation, and consider serving in a leadership or other role when an opportunity arises. Pray for your lay leaders, and pray for MCM staff as they support lay leadership in our congregations. To support MCM’s work with lay leaders, consider giving to this shared ministry at